MIND Centers of Excellence

Centers of Excellence

MIND Is organized around six Centers of Excellence with all patients having access to the full range of our neurological specialists, imaging, ancillary testing and infusion services.

Alzheimer’s Disease & Memory Disorder Center

The MIND Alzheimer’s Disease & Memory Disorder Center was launched in 2020, and is dedicated to clinical diagnosis, treatment, research and education related to all forms of memory loss and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia.

Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center

More than 30 different diseases are identified as neurological movement disorders, including Parkinson’s disease. While symptoms vary widely, the disorders are often progressive and increase in severity over time, making early diagnosis and treatment extremely important.

Multiple Sclerosis Center

The MIND Multiple Sclerosis Center provides comprehensive diagnostic, therapeutic and supportive services to multiple sclerosis patients and their families. Founded in 1999, we are one of the largest private comprehensive MS centers in the country, caring for more than 4,800 MS patients each year. 

Infusion Center

Infusion therapy is an integral part of the treatment of many conditions or disorders of the nervous system, including multiple sclerosis. MIND offers many infusion therapies at the direction of your MIND neurologist as a means to provide integrated care for our patients in a convenient, familiar and supportive environment. We also accept outside referral infusion orders

Headache & Facial Pain Center

Headache and facial pain disorders are among the most common and, often, perplexing or underdiagnosed disorders of our nervous system. In managing headaches and facial pain, your MIND neurologist and staff will take a holistic approach to your care, considering all aspects of your medical history and daily living. 

Pain Management Center

The MIND Pain Management Center is committed to improving the comfort of the patients we serve. We treat a wide variety of painful conditions with minimally invasive procedures under either fluoroscopic or ultrasound guidance. Our goal is to help each patient eliminate or greatly decrease their pain and maximize their overall function.

When Receiving Care at a MIND Center of Excellence, Our Dedicated Team Provides:

Comprehensive Care

Providing the most comprehensive neurological care possible to our patients in a warm and caring environment.

Efficient Diagnostic Services

Ensuring that patients obtain necessary diagnostic services of the highest caliber in a timely manner, under one roof.

Quality of Services 

Offering facilities and staff committed to providing therapeutic services in a safe and efficient setting.

Treatment Plans

Working closely with your Primary Care Physician and other health care providers, as appropriate, about treatment plans, medications, test orders and results, as we support the treatment plans and health goals set by your full team of health care providers.


Overall, our goals at the MIND Alzheimer’s Disease & Memory Disorder Center are to promote brain function, slow down memory loss and moderate changes in behavior and personality, which can include anxiety and depression. Our holistic approach brings families into the care of their loved ones by connecting everyone to much needed resources available for comprehensive support.


At the MIND Alzheimer’s Disease & Memory Disorder Center, our program begins with a screening to determine, as best as possible, the cause of memory loss. This workup includes obtaining a detailed history, physical exam and one or more bedside cognitive assessments.


Laboratory testing, brain imaging and neuropsychological testing may also be helpful for the practitioner to aid in the most appropriate diagnosis. In order to make the best treatment choices, we also consider consultation with other specialists to obtain a comprehensive review of our patient’s conditions. This review can identify risk factors for future decline, as well as protective factors that may slow decline in Alzheimer’s disease and a number of related conditions.

MIND Is Organized Around Six Centers of Excellence, Which Recognizes:

Training & Experience

Our training and experience in diagnosing and treating the most complex neurological conditions, while also investing in expanding the resources of each center.

Comprehensive Services

Our comprehensive diagnostic, imaging and infusion capabilities. We are committed to supporting the health goals set by your entire healthcare team.

Research & Education

Our commitment to research and education in neurology and best practices methodology.

Strong Reputation

Our strong reputation in the medical community.