
Making an Appointment
Please Note: If you are experiencing symptoms that are urgent in nature, please call 911 or your nearest emergency room.
Already have an appointment? Be sure to prepare and read through our Mobile Check-In Process on what to expect.
If you need to make an appointment, please follow one of the three ways to request an appointment below.
Request an Appointment
MIND is organized around six Centers of Excellence with all patients having access to the full range of our neurological specialists, imaging, ancillary testing and infusion services.

By calling Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at 248-553-0010.

Patient Portal
Existing patients who are MyHealthRecord users can request appointments online directly via the portal. To log in and make an appointment, please visit the patient portal.
Mobile Check-In
Checking in on your device saves you time and ensures your information is always up to date. It will also allow you to complete some of the necessary health questions that are useful to our visit. Please look for an e-mail/text message a few days before your appointment from Phreesia.
What should I be looking for in my inbox?
An email will come from with the subject: “Check-in online for your upcoming appointment.” The first line of the e-mail will show the name and phone number of your doctor’s office. The email will also show the date, time and location of your appointment. Next, you will see a blue box with an orange “Click here to start” button. Once you click on the button, options take you to your Pre-Visit Questionnaire; all your responses will be entirely private and secure.
What can I expect once I start the Pre-Visit Questionnaire?
You will see security questions confirming your date of birth, address and phone number. You will be asked the types of health-related questions you would normally see on a clipboard in a crowded waiting room. Consent forms will be provided, which you can sign using your mouse or touch screen. If a balance or co-pay is owed for your visit, you may be able to make your payment in the comfort of your own home the day of your visit.